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Hey, babies!


The good news is I'M HOME!! Again! and the sad news is it is only for 3 days, which is not enough. It is never enough! As usual i try my best to make the most of my holiday, and I am enjoying it.

There are million things running through my mind right now. Boyfriend, future husband, future kids, future house, future me. Hehhh. I am actually thinking of the primary school I'm going to in March for my third PBS. I was thinking of my former primary school. Yeah, that school... I'm not sure yet...

Waking up, my siblings and I headed to market to buy few things. Believe me, it was an unforgettable-market-tour. I ran into babies quite a lot. The first incident was when I walked alone to get few things and I noticed a two - year old girl ( I guess) was walking alone. It is a weird thing to see a baby walking alone, don't you think? I looked  around to find her parents. I didn't know what to do, so i just followed her little track, just to make sure she safe, at least for few minutes before a someone noticed a little girl missing. As I watched her steps, a motorcycle came from nowhere and luckily, i grabbed the little girl as quick as I can be. God, seriously, if you are not capable enough to see the front view while riding a motorcycle, please, stop using the motorcycle and start to use your legs. So, to make a long story short, I'm the hero of the day. Oops, sorry. It's heroin.

Do not disturb! Can't you see I'm handling a meeting?

The next incident was when I walked alone ( I have no idea why most of the incident happened in my life occurred when I was alone) and I ran into a mother and her one or two year old son. The little guy was sooooooo cute! He has an adorable and blissful face. I waved to him and he smiled. He waved back. God, I was so in love! Yeah, I'm in love with a baby. Then, he walked to me and handed me a packet of sweet. Sweeeeeet! I was thinking, if he was this gentleman in his "baby years", imagine how gentlemen he could be when he grows up. Please, be my boyfriend! hahhhhhah. 

Yeah! I just love babies! They are amazingly adorable!

Yes, babies are super duper cute! Please eat them.

And tonight, there is "gotong - royong" going on here in my house, preparation for tomorrow's event Maulidur Rasul or in easy way to say our Muhammad pbuh's birthday. All the preparation and the cooking sessions will be doing here which is from tonight, to be continued tomorrow morning and the big event will be on tomorrow night. My siblings and I did help as much as we can, but now, it is the time for the guys to do their job. Believe me, there is a large number of GUYS outside of my house, trying to impress my dad. The saying goes, the more the merrier, the guys really make my house comes "alive". You know how guys laugh, don't you? Now, you know what I mean. 

I think, the guys really need my help out there. Got to go!

"Many couples express their love by saying "I'll be with you until death do us part", but for Muslims it's even more beautiful to say "not even death will part us, because we will be reunited in Jannah, insha'Allah"

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